Active Schools Flag

Active Schools Flag

What Is The Active Schools Flag

The Active School Flag is awarded to schools by the Department of Education and Skills who strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.  It is a whole school process and it involves implementing improvements in our school that will have a real and tangible effect on our school community.  Our main aim is to improve our PE teaching and the PE experience for the children. We hope that children who are not overly interested in sports will embrace some sort of physical activity. Our hope is that the children will develop a healthy lifestyle and engage in a physical activity that appeals to them. The Active School Flag is a whole school initiative and as such all members of the school community should be made aware that the school is interested in and working towards achieving the ASF. We are designating a section of our school website to Active School Flag news so that the whole Darver school community can be kept up to date with our progress.


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